
The global demand for avocado is still on the rise and new markets are opening. It is clear that this is one of the most profitable crops today. In some areas, the avocado is called “the green gold” for the substantial profit it brings. However, growing avocado outside the tropics without an irrigation system is […]

Apples & Pears

Orchard farming techniques have evolved and today, they are planted in denser rows that are closer together leading to shallow and crowded root systems. To produce high quality, large fruit that will be accepted by high value markets, you need to use the best farm and irrigation practices. As fruit size is extremely dependent on […]


Bigger, Better Berries with Drip Irrigation Looking to grow strawberries commercially? The best way to achieve high yields and the highest revenue per square meter is with drip irrigation. Strawberries are a high value, yet extremely sensitive crop: environmental conditions, disease and insect protection, and getting the right amount of water and fertilizer to the […]